Wednesday, July 25, 2012

What's So Wrong With Soda?

Bloomberg wants to impose a ban on all 64 oz cups and limit the servings of sodas in New York to 16 oz only. He says people are less likely to buy four 16 oz cups opposed to one 64 oz cup. I agree with that assessment however a bunch of folks are taking this as another one of Bloomberg’s unfair interventions and calling New York his “nanny state.” They think it will affect the low income groups who primarily rely on fast food restaurants.

To give you an idea, here are the different drink sizes. Tell me, what good reason do we have to drink that massive 64 oz cup?! 

Image courtesy: The Daily

Coming back to the low income group debate - so because they mainly eat at McDonald’s we should let them drink the 64 oz cup of soda as well? What kind of society are we to be more concerned with the size of their drink opposed to the plethora of health problems it would cause them? No one in this country has been spared from the health debate; we all know how expensive it is to get sick. Absolutely no body, leave alone the low income group families, can afford to get sick. So instead of promoting healthy eating habits – lowering the cost of produce in super markets, teaching kids the importance of eating well, making farmers markets more accessible – we are going to argue to maintain the 64 oz cup of soda? Seriously!?

To get an idea what soda does to you, look at the picture below. 

These are some serious illnesses that can plague us for the rest of our lives! Diet; zero or any other kind that corporations come up with, soda remains your nemesis. 

Image courtesy: Termlife insurance

A new study has also revealed soft drinks change the way muscles use food as fuel, making them prefer to burn sugars over fats; which means that within a short period of time (4 weeks or so) your body decreases its ability to burn fat. 

So the next time you find yourself reaching for a Coke, think of all the harmful effects you are exposing yourself to. The simple alternative: drink water. Not only is it delicious but it’s also free. 

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