Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Organic May Not Be Nutritious but Definitely Healthier

There is a lot of talk today about the big news that eating organic food doesn't necessarily mean you are eating more nutritious food. 

What exactly is organic food?

Organic food is food that is grown without the use of harmful chemicals and pesticides. Organic food does not mean the food is made with added nutrition or is injected with more vitamins or minerals. It simply means the food you eat is not contaminated with industrial ingredients or antibiotics. 

Industrial ingredients and antibiotics can cause the body grave harm by breaking down our DNA leading one to suffer from devastating diseases like cancer. And what do you think happens when a child eats food laden with harmful preservatives, chemicals and other substances that really have nothing to do with the food but are simply added to extend the shelf life of the product?

Organic food is definitely more expensive but food chain store such as Trader Joe's offer organic foods at a lesser price than Whole Foods. If you can afford it organic is the way to go, not for more nutrition but for a healthier you.

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